Mental health, defined as part of the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Manual, is “an emotional state in which the person experiences happiness, illness, capacity for success, accomplishment, vitality and related attitudes”. The WHO defines it as “a mental health state in which a person feels mentally healthy, adjusted, confident and capable; having good concentration, memory, judgment, language, behavior and vision; able to learn new things and apply new skills; having social interaction and well-developed relationships”. Mental health can be achieved through a combination of treatment, therapy and lifestyle changes. When mental health is achieved, the person experiences high levels of quality of life with enhanced social participation, enjoyment and optimism about life.
The mood disorders can affect mood, anxiety, depression, psychosis, mania and bipolar disorder. Some people may experience mental health problems when they are faced with situations in their lives such as death of a loved one, unemployment, moving to a new place, financial problems and divorce. There are also some people who have an increased risk of developing mood disorders when faced with stressful life events, or when they are subjected to traumatic events such as divorce, separation or losing a loved one.
People with mental illness can experience a wide range of symptoms, including excessive sweating, stomach problems, dizziness, sleep disturbances and thoughts that are irrational. They may also exhibit aggressive or violent behaviour, and have self-harm behaviors such as cutting themselves or others. If left untreated, they may become violent. Mental illnesses are treatable, and many people lead normal, productive lives. When they seek professional help, most people with mental illnesses receive psychiatric help. However, it is important to seek professional help when symptoms of a serious mental disorder are present.
The stigma attached to mental illnesses is what keeps many people from seeking treatment. Many people assume that if someone develops a disorder, it must be due to something that happened in their childhood. Many children are born with mental illnesses, but they grow out of it as they reach adulthood. There is stigma around mental health conditions, which prevents people from receiving treatment when they need it the most.
A mental health disorder is divided into two categories: major disorders and mild disorders. Major disorders include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. These disorders can be debilitating and can cause significant impairment to a person’s functioning as well as their well-being. Moreover, conditions like autism could be detected at a very young age and affect the overall development and growth of children. This is where parents may have to be careful how they deal with such a situation and provide all necessary aid to their child so as to help them to come to terms with autism disorder. Parents can also look into autism therapy or other behavioural therapy options for their kid to assist them in leading a normal life with a mental health condition.
In order for a person to have a severe self-harm symptom, the symptoms should be severe enough to interfere with everyday activities such as sleep, working, studying, interacting with others and even hobbies or pastimes. People with a serious mental illness, however, may still have mild symptoms that they find incredibly difficult to deal with. These symptoms include excessive or exaggerated self-harm, abnormal guilt, negative mood swings, sleep disturbance or sleepwalking. People who experience multiple symptoms of a mental disorder often become confused or depressed and resort to self-harm as a way to alleviate some of their symptoms. People who suffer from a self-harm symptom should seek help immediately and consult their primary care physician.