When we’re younger it is easy to assume that our skin will take care of itself. When we’re younger our skin tends to look healthy and glowing without very much effort at all. However, what you shouldn’t do is assume that this will continue long into future. Instead, you need to face facts that as you age, so will your skin. On top of that you need to change your skincare regime so that your skin stays looking as healthy as possible.
Looking After Your Skin
For starters you need to make sure you up the amount of water that you drink. Your body needs plenty of hydration in order to stay healthy and this includes looking after your skin. You should make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day without fail. This sounds like a lot if you are not already drinking this much water but you’ll soon get into the habit. At the start you might need to set yourself a schedule to make sure you are drinking enough, but it soon gets easier.
On top of that, if you are looking for a skin transformation, cosmetic treatments might be a great option. Nowadays, there are many clinics (like this one that provides CoolTone in Bay City, MI) that are staffed with professional medical experts. If you are noticing the signs of aging, undergoing a skin treatment may be beneficial in making your skin look younger. Additionally, there are different types of procedures to choose from, so you can select the best one for you.
Take Control Of Your Skin
As you get older, one of the things you are bound to develop are dark spots. Also known as liver or age spots, these range in colour and severity. These are a sure fire sign of old age so you really want to make sure that you avoid these as much as possible. Thankfully there are many different remedies that can help reduce and/or remove these. There are shop bought products that you can opt for and these are worth trying. However, it is worth bearing in mind that these will be costly and you might need to try more than one before you find one that works. Rather than risk this it can be a much safer bet to try home remedies. You’ll be surprised at just how effective these can be.
Of course you have the added benefit that you’re using items from your own kitchen, so they’re a cost-effective way of dealing with dark spots too! It is a matter of opinion when it comes to the best ways to remove and correct dark spots, so you’ll need to experiment with different methods and work out what suits you and your skin.
Home Remedies For Dark Spots
Lemon Juice
For many years we have known that lemon juice is pretty good for our skin. The natural acids found in lemons help to gently lighten the skin. On top of that it can help the skin cells to be shed more quickly. You just need to bear in mind that lemon juice can dry out the skin quite a lot, so try to only apply this once or twice a week. You can apply lemon juice directly to the skin, just be careful not to get it in your eyes. Use your fingers to rub the juice directly to areas where your skin is darkest. You only need to leave it for 10-15 minutes before you can rinse it off. After a few treatments you’ll start to notice a definite improvement. You should make sure you apply a high quality moisturiser to your skin after each treatment to prevent it from drying your skin out too much.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Much like lemons, apple cider vinegar is also high in acid. This makes it another ideal treatment for you to deal with dark spots. It is a little less harsh than lemon juice so you can apply this a couple times more a week and not have to worry about the effects. Just make sure that you wash it off each time to prevent your skin from becoming too dry.
Red Onion
People don’t realise that red onion has acid in as well. However, this treatment is even less harsh which means you can do it daily. You need to cut an onion in half (make sure it is a red one) and squeeze the juice out of it. You then apply this direct to the darker spots on your skin. Wish it off with soap and then moisturise your skin afterwards. Garlic is also known to help with this. You can simply rub a peeled garlic clove over the dark areas of your skin.
As everyone has different skin it is about finding what works for you. Some people will swear by lemon juice whilst others will tell you it made no difference at al. There are no right or wrong answers. Instead it is working out what suits you and your skin type. Thankfully as these are items that you find in your kitchen cupboard, experimenting doesn’t have to cost you the Earth.
That said, you do need to make sure that you give treatments a chance to work. There is little point applying lemon juice to your face twice in a row and then giving it up as lost cause. Instead, you need to make sure you give them a fair chance to work their magic. Once you have found something that works make sure you stick with it. These methods work over time so as soon as you stop using them you’ll find that they become much less effective.