Monday , 9 September 2024
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Smoking and the effect on training

The majority of bodybuilders have a commitment to maintaining their bodies in peak physical condition, which includes not harming themselves through smoking.

There are the odd one or two, however, who still believe they can continue to smoke without it affecting their overall performance. There are many ways in which smoking cigarettes affects your ability to train, all negative.

If you do find it difficult to stop completely, try an electronic cigarette from Ecigarette Direct. These let you experience the physical act of smoking and get your nicotine hit without ingesting all the thousands of harmful chemicals that go into a regular cigarette.

Smoking blocks the airways, which in turn lessens the amount of oxygen the lungs can inhale at any one time. Your muscles need this oxygen if they are to develop and perform. By smoking you are actually making it so you have to work twice as hard as other body builders to see the same gain in muscle size and tone.

If you are serious about bodybuilding but find it too hard to give up nicotine, you should seriously consider some form of nicotine replacement, such as vaping. The harmful effects of smoking are well-documented and can hinder your progress in achieving your bodybuilding goals. Vaping is considered as one of the most promising alternatives. It’s essential to buy vapes that are designed to deliver nicotine without the detrimental components of traditional cigarettes like the ones available from, or similar vape store websites. Additionally, vaping is considered less harmful than smoking as it produces fewer toxic chemicals. Furthermore, vaping can help reduce cravings for cigarettes, making it easier to quit the habit.

Making the transition from smoking to vaping can be a pivotal step in your journey to quit smoking while sustaining your bodybuilding commitment. As you embrace this change, you will soon notice a noticeable difference in your performance, thanks to the reduced exposure to harmful substances and the potential for better lung health and stamina, ultimately helping you achieve your bodybuilding aspirations.

Anyone who regularly indulges in intense levels of exercise knows how important it is to be able to breathe deeply as you work. Smoking prevents your lungs from growing as they need to and makes them less productive and smaller in capacity. If you find yourself short of breath you will find it very difficult to keep pushing your body further.

As you exercise your heart rate begins to speed up to increase the oxygen supply to the rest of the body. This eventually makes you tire as you are expending energy to keep the heart pumping faster. As the body works harder, it releases endorphins that make you feel good and energized. Regular exercise can also help to reduce stress levels and improve overall physical and mental health.

The average smoker’s heartbeat is already around 30% faster than that of a non-smoker, meaning you reach the point of exhaustion far more quickly and therefore cannot train for as long. This reduction in exercise capacity can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Smoking can also lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

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