Friday , 26 April 2024
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Four Ways To Exercise And Get The Perfect Body

We don’t know about you but we would love to get that perfect body before we go away for the summer. But how do we do this? It can seem so hard to lose any weight at all. We don’t even want to mention toning or gaining some muscle. So what is the secret? Well, obviously you need to good healthy diet. You should also be watching how much junk food and rubbish snacks you eat. Stress is a big factor too. You need to keep yourself calm and try and avoid the things in life that make your blood boil. Road rage is a good example of something not to get involved with. But do you know what the most important factor to getting in shape is? Exercise. Ah, but what kind? Well, frankly we are glad you asked.



Running is a fantastic form of exercise. First, it frees you of anxiety. You leave all that behind you. But it also works on a lot of different areas of your body. After a good, long run your tummy will feel tighter, your arms will hurt and your legs will feel like they are on fire. But, when you wake up the next morning you will love the person staring back at you in the mirror.

A couple of tips. Do make sure to stretch properly or you are in for a nasty shock before you even get home. Make sure you wear the right type of shoes, or you could develop a condition like Plantar Fasciitis. You can learn more about this condition on a website like Also, do remember to start off slow. Walk some of the route at first, and just keep increasing until you feel comfortable with the distance you are running.

Home Exercise

There is no reason to go anywhere when you exercise. You can do it all from the comfort of your home. You can start an exercise routine with around three sets of 10 sit ups and ten push-ups each morning. You will be amazed at the difference this will make. Or if you want to go further, set up a home gym in a spare room. Buy some weights online. Do be careful how much you lift and always wear trainers. Wearing trainers can be the difference between a bruised toe and a broken foot. We also suggest when you are lifting heavy weights that you have someone with you.


Perhaps this all sounds a bit too strenuous. You want something more relaxing. Yoga may be the perfect choice for you. Again, this will make you feel less stressed due to the controlled breathing involved. It is still hard work, but it will not feel as painful as trying to lift heavy objects above your head.

The Gym

Finally, we know many of you are reluctant about joining a gym. But there are advantages to this. You will meet people there. This will encourage you to keep exercising. You will have state of the art equipment and can think about hiring a personal trainer. You may even make some great new friends.

We hope you find these tips helpful and look forward to seeing you out on the beach this summer.

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